What Is A Motorcycle GPS Tracker

A motorcycle GPS tracker is a small device that uses GPS technology to provide real-time location updates and alerts to the owner’s phone or computer. Motorcycle owners can use it for theft prevention, recovery, and monitoring.

The size and design of the tracker can vary, but most are small and discreet. Some trackers even have additional features such as geofencing and remote engine shut-off. So where do you hide a GPS tracker on a motorcycle? That’s a question we’ll answer in another article. For now, know that a motorcycle GPS tracker is an excellent investment for any rider who wants peace of mind.

where to hide gps tracker on motorcycle?

What to Consider Before Hiding a GPS Tracker on a Motorcycle

Choosing the Right Size and Type of GPS Tracker

Before hiding a GPS tracker on your motorcycle, it’s essential to consider the size and type of device you want to use. Many different types of trackers are available, ranging from small and discreet to larger models with more features.

When choosing a GPS tracker for your motorcycle, consider factors such as battery life, accuracy, and compatibility with your smartphone or other devices. You may also want to look for features like real-time tracking, geofencing, and alerts that can help you keep tabs on your bike at all times.

Finding a Secure Hiding Spot

Once you’ve chosen the right GPS tracker for your needs, the next step is to find a secure hiding spot on your motorcycle. Ideally, you’ll want to select a location that is not easily accessible or visible to potential thieves.

Some good options include:

  • Inside the fairing.
  • Under your bike’s seat.
  • Inside the motorbikes storage area.

It’s important to remember that no hiding spot is entirely foolproof. Thieves are often very resourceful. However, choosing an inconspicuous location for your GPS tracker can make it much harder for them to find and disable it.

Considering Environmental Factors

Another essential consideration when hiding a GPS tracker on your motorcycle is environmental factors like weather and temperature changes. Some types of trackers may not withstand extreme temperatures or moisture levels.

To ensure that your GPS tracker stays functional over time, choose a location protected from rain and other elements as much as possible. If necessary, you may also want to invest in additional waterproofing measures like protective cases or covers.

Optimal Locations to Hide a GPS Tracker on a Motorcycle

Under the Seat

One of the most common places to hide a GPS tracker is under the seat. This location is ideal because it provides easy access to power sources and allows for discreet installation. To install a GPS tracker under your bike’s seat, remove the seat and attach the device using strong adhesive or zip ties.

Inside the Fairing

Another great location to hide your GPS tracker is inside the fairing. This area typically houses electrical components and offers ample space for hiding a small device. You may need to remove some panels or trim pieces to install a GPS tracker inside your bike’s fairing. Once you have access, use adhesive or zip ties to secure the device in place.

Near the Battery

The battery compartment is another excellent spot for hiding your GPS tracker. Most motorcycles have their batteries located beneath the seat or side covers, making it an easily accessible area for installation. Using industrial-strength adhesive or zip ties, you can attach your GPS device near or around the battery.

In the Tail Section

Consider installing your GPS tracker if you own a sportbike with an integrated tail section. The tail section typically houses brake lights, turn signals, and license plate holders but also provides enough room for concealing a small device without interfering with other components.

Behind A Cover

Lastly, consider hiding your GPS tracker behind your bike’s covers, such as engine or airbox covers, if any available ones fit well enough with minimal modification needed (if any).

Should I Put A GPS Tracker On My Motorcycle?

Steps to Installing a GPS Tracker on a Motorcycle

Use a Tapatalk Ride to Test your Accuracy

Once you have determined the location of your GPS tracker, use a Tapatalk ride to test its accuracy and ensure that it is functioning correctly. This app allows you to track your ride and see if there are any issues with the GPS signal or tracking data. If everything checks out during this test run, you can move on to securing the device.

Consider Professional Installation

If you are not confident in your ability to install the GPS tracker yourself, consider professional installation. This will ensure it is installed correctly and securely, reducing the risk of damage or theft. Many motorcycle dealerships offer installation services for GPS trackers at an additional cost.

Maintaining and Checking the Hidden GPS Tracker

Regularly check the battery life of your GPS tracker to ensure it’s functioning properly.

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your hidden GPS tracker is to check its battery life regularly. A dead or dying battery can render your tracker useless, so keeping an eye on it is essential. Ensure you know how long the battery lasts and set reminders to check it regularly. If you notice that the battery is running low, recharge or replace it immediately.

Keep the GPS tracker hidden and secure to prevent theft or tampering.

The whole point of a hidden GPS tracker is that nobody should know it’s there. That means you need to take steps to keep it hidden and secure from prying eyes. Consider hiding your tracker in a hard-to-reach spot, such as inside a panel or under the seat. You may also want to use tamper-proof screws or other security measures to prevent anyone from accessing the device without your permission.

Ensure the GPS tracker is installed correctly and connected to a reliable power source.

Even if you have a top-of-the-line GPS tracker, it won’t do much good if installed incorrectly. Ensure you follow all instructions carefully when installing your device, and double-check all connections before sealing everything up. You’ll also want to ensure that your tracker is connected to a reliable power source, whether through an external battery pack or directly wired into your motorcycle’s electrical system.

Use a GPS tracker with a SIM card for real-time tracking and accurate location updates.

If you want peace of mind when tracking your motorcycle, consider investing in a GPS tracker with a SIM card. This enables real-time tracking and provides more accurate location updates than devices without this feature.


Hiding a GPS tracker on your motorcycle can effectively keep your bike safe and secure. Before installing a tracker, it’s important to consider factors such as the type of tracker, the location of installation, and the maintenance required. Optimal locations for hiding a GPS tracker include under the seat, inside the fairing or frame, or within a custom-made compartment.

When installing a GPS tracker on your motorcycle, follow the necessary steps carefully to ensure proper installation and functionality. Once installed, regularly check and maintain the hidden device to ensure its effectiveness in tracking your bike’s location.

In conclusion, hiding a GPS tracker on your motorcycle is essential in protecting it from theft. By considering all factors before installation, choosing optimal locations for hiding the device, following proper installation steps, and maintaining it regularly, you can know that you can locate your bike at any time.


Q: Can I use any GPS tracker for my motorcycle?

A: Choosing a GPS tracker specifically designed for motorcycles is essential. These devices are weather-resistant and shockproof to withstand vibrations while riding.

Q: Is installing a GPS tracker on my motorcycle legal without notifying anyone?

A: Installing GPS trackers on private property without notifying anyone is legal. However, if you plan on using it for commercial purposes or tracking someone else’s vehicle without their consent, it may lead to legal consequences.

Q: How do I know if my hidden GPS tracker works correctly?

A: Regularly checking and testing your hidden device by logging into its app or website will give you peace of mind that everything works correctly.

Q: What should I do if my motorcycle gets stolen, even with a hidden GPS tracker?

A: Immediately notify law enforcement authorities about the theft and provide them with all relevant information about your stolen vehicle and its last known location from the GPS tracker.

Further Motorcycle GPS Tracker Information

Looking to buy a GPS tracker for your motorcycle? Visit motorcycle GPS tracker Australia page for more information on five great motorcycle GPS tracker options.